The Light Daily Devotional – God’s Time

The Light Daily Devotional – God’s Time

Focus: God’s Time

The word for today 

The word of God is not limited by time; it is eternal and goes beyond boundaries. Every word of God proclaimed towards you can never be hindered and will be fulfilled in its time!

Scriptural Reference

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Also, He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3.11 NKJV

We must be mindful of an important fact as we proceed in destiny: that God is eternal and cannot be limited by time or human action or inaction. He does not use the calendar of men, and there is no situation capable enough to stop what he wants to do. When God makes a promise, it will be fulfilled in His time, not according to man’s timing. 

When God promised to give Abraham a child, it was as if it would take an eternity and may never be possible, but God made it happen when he least expected it and has even given up on it. At the time God called Abraham into His divine purpose, He emphatically told him that his seed would be slaves; it happened, and God brought them out with His mighty hand at a time when they had given up.

God has already planned out everything that He will accomplish in your life, including the timing and manner in which He will carry it out. He placed eternity in our hearts in such a way that we are ignorant of His work so that He may receive all of the glory for the different things that happen in our lives.

Will you wait for God’s timing? 

Prayer: Lord! Do that which you want to do in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen! 

Emphasis: Things turn out to be beautiful in God’s timing!

Have a beautiful Friday!

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