The Light Daily Devotional – The Supreme God
Focus: The Supreme God
The word for today
The beauty of everything in life is that God is God; He has no attributes of human in HIM. There is none like Him and no man can match His power and wisdom!
Scriptural Reference
“For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.” (Matthew 5:45b NLT).
No man can bear the weight of being called God. The statistics of the world’s population as at present exceeds 6 billion, yet no matter how small, every living soul takes something for survival everyday. The air never ceases to blow and the change of season is consistent from ages to ages. If not God who can bear the weight of ruling the affairs of men.
If men were to be God; the air, rain, sunshine, plantations et al.; would have ceased to exist on the account of the sins of men. Even in the multitude of our sins; He has never failed to make good things available to us from generation to generation. From experience, there is no one like God; the merciful God who keeps making grace available for repentance, upliftment, promotion and fulfilment of purpose. Think deeply and passionately to appreciate God for who He is.
Meditation: In what manner does your life worship the Supreme God?
Prayer: Dear Lord, I worship you because of who You are in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: We are what we are because God is God!
Have an Admirable Week!