Nothing happens in this world without God. Nobody dies without God’s permission. Until your time comes nobody can kill you.
I know I said some things during the Holy Ghost service that some people will misrepresent.
I never asked Christians to go and buy guns. You don’t need guns. Samson never bought an AK47, he fought with a jawbone. But you don’t need permission to buy the jawbone of a cow. I have always wondered how do you demonstrate to children in Sunday school how Samson won the victory. I believe the way is to get the jawbone of a cow and show the children this is how to use it. We don’t want to kill anyone, but we want to make sure unwanted visitors don’t come to our church. And if the police come and find jawbones of cows in the vestry, it is to demonstrate for the children.
Life is like a mountain broad at the top and narrow at the bottom. Life is like an inverted pyramid – Daniel 6:1-3 The Bible teaches us that when Jesus was departing he left 500 brethren behind 1 Cor. 15:6. Out of the 500 he appointed 70 ambassador Luke 10:1-17. Out of the 70 ambassadors he ordained 12 disciples Mark 3:13-15. Out of the 12 disciples there are three inner circles, Peter, James and John – Mathew 17.
Out of the three there was one called John the beloved. As you go higher the crowd becomes thinner. There is room at the top and some people are meant for the very top.
What do you need to be one meant for the very top?
The first thing you need is diligence. You must be ready for hard work. Almighty doesn’t promote lazy people – Proverbs 22:29, Genesis 26:12-14
God can promote a Beggar from the ground and keep promoting him until he start sitting among princes. – Proverbs 12:24
It is possible for the Almighty to make you the best in any area of endeavours if you are willing to be diligent.
2. You need the spirit of God to guide you. Genesis 41. An idol worshipping king, when he saw a man with the spirit of God in him, he recognised him and promoted him. Daniel was promoted because an excellent spirit was found in him. The Bible says Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom – Deuteronomy 34:9
3. You have to be pure. The spirit of God the holy. Consider Joseph, Genesis 39. He was a diligent slave. Then temptation came but he ran. Keep yourself pure – Daniel 1, Hebrews 1:9. If you really want to reach the top, keep yourself pure.
David was a shepherd boy who became a king, but he messed up, did what he shouldn’t have done. Sleeping when he should be at war – 2 Samuel 11. God was angry with him and he prayed a prayer in Psalm 51.
If you are not a child of God, repent. You need salvation. You need to be baptised by immersion and then you need the Holy Spirit. When you have done these three then you can add diligence to it. Acts 2:38
There was a poem I learnt in 1957
Says there is a certain height, some people reached and kept because when their companion were sleeping they were pressing up in the night. There is height you can reach but not only reach it, stay there, keep it. When your companions are sleeping you must be working upward in the night.
I used to be an amateur boxer, what I learnt is it takes a lot of preparation to become a champion. The moment you become a champion, the work has just started because everybody will want to take away your crown, you must keep working even more than the challenger to remain the champion.
So, if you haven’t given your life to God, come to the altar. If you have backslidden, come to the altar to rededicate your life to God.
Prayer: Father, I want to be praising you at the very top, take me their quickly.