Genesis 1:1-5 NKJV
[1] In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. [2] The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. [3] Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. [4] And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. [5] God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

There is someone called God; every wise person knows – Psalm 14:1. According to Proverbs 3:35 it doesn’t profit one to be a foo.
The first God introduced Himself, He called himself The All Sufficient God – Genesis 17:1
There is nothing impossible for this God – Luke 1:37.
At the beginning God created two principal things, Heaven and Earth. Heaven was so wonderful that God decided to use it as His throne and He used the earth as a footstool- Isaiah 66:1.
The Earth that was created is problematic but He controls all the problems on this earth by putting it under his feet. It doesn’t matter how many problems you have, they are under the feet of God. God sits in Heaven and from there controls the earth by speaking. God speaks; the moment He speaks it is done – Psalms 33:8-9. In Genesis 1 vs 3, He said ‘let there be light”. Immediately he said let there be light, there was light.
What is the meaning of “Let there be light” ? It means darkness give way. When God says let there be light, it is goodness for those who are leaving in darkness, those who have problem with their eyes – Mark 10:46-52
In the name that is above every other name, all of you who have problem with your eyes “Let there be light”
Let there be light means stagnation come to an end; because when it is dark it becomes impossible to move. John 5:2-9, it tells us of a man who has been going in a circle for 38 years, when Jesus got there, He spoke a word “Rise up take your bed and walk”. The stagnation of the man came to an end
All those who have been stagnant for years, tonight “Let there be light”
Mark 5:2-20 – Let there be light means, demons go.
When He says darkness go, He is also saying sorrow go and joy begins – Psalms 30:5, Mark 5:35-43
From tonight onwards, you will never know sorrow.
In the name of the Almighty, I hereby decree, weepers will not gather in your home
When He says Darkness go, it means no more sorrow, the Bible says He sends His word and He heals them.
Father asked me to tell someone, as far as your concerned, your journey forward will be extraordinary fast
Father asked me to tell someone, recently you missed a breakthrough, before the end of the month you will get a bigger one.
Father asked me to tell someone listening to me right now, you will not die very soon.
When the Lord created the earth , the bible says the earth was empty until God spoke.
Confusion will end in your life tonight.
Daddy asked me to tell someone, very soon your song will be “Now the battle has ended”
Daddy asked me to tell someone, he said trust me, whatever I need to do to silence your workers, I will do it
Daddy asked me to tell someone, you will recover all.
Let there be light can be three things: a command from God my – Rev 3:20. Let there be light can be a cry for help. Bartimaeus cried and the Lord heard him.
Prayer Points:
- Thank Him you are able to be part of this programme. Thank Him that He is still on the throne.
- Father, speak to my body; I don’t just want to be healed, I don’t want to be sick forever.
- Father, speak to my soul; command it never to drop back from you.
- Father, speak to my spirit; envelope me with your divine power.
- Father, speak to my life. The abundant life that you promised, I want to see it.
- Father, speak to my future; don’t let me ever fail again.
- Personal request
Next month’s Holy Ghost Service is for those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb.