The Light Daily Devotional – Unquestionable God

Focus: Unquestionable God
Life in the real sense and practical point of view is what happens while making other plans. In every life’s situation, acknowledge the unquestionable God who rules in the affairs of men!
Scriptural Reference
“All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does according to His will in the army of heaven And among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand Or say to Him, “What have You done?” (Daniel 4:35 NKJV).
Sometimes as humans, we tend to ask questions about various situations in our lives. We may be wondering why God allowed some things to happen unexpectedly. Whatever the case may be God remains God and no one can question Him. Nothing in life happens without His prior knowledge and purpose.
Be mindful of the fact that life is in two phases; the good phase and the bad phase. Whatever the case may be with you at any point in time; Reverence God and have hope for a wonderful future. Move on in life having this confidence that all will be well. A man who has seen many good days shouldn’t forget that there are evil days as well. Trust only in God for your life and aspirations.
+ Can you quantify the goodness of the Lord you have seen in the land of the living? On what basis can you question God?
Prayer: Lord! Forever you will be God; I Worship you for who you are in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis: There will always be an interruption in the affairs of men in every facet of life, even in this, God remains God!
Have a Graceful Wednesday!