The Light Daily Devotional – The Act of Retreating

The Light Daily Devotional – The Act of Retreating

Focus: The Act of Retreating


The fact that a time is coming when we will leave everything and be forgotten in this terrain to pass onto eternity makes it very paramount for us to retreat from what we are doing to seek the Lord especially periodically in the journey of destiny!

Scriptural Reference

“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31 NIV

We are in a very busy and competitive world that tends to make us feel as if we need to be up and doing to achieve our goals in various aspects of life. It is so serious that the pursuit of the goals set before us takes us away from our families, friends, people of God and our consecration to God. Nevertheless, the busy and competitive world does not make a man so busy to die when his death comes.

In the text above, we saw Jesus and his disciples making a deliberate effort to retreat from people in order to rest and eat. This is a standard set for us irrespective of who we think we are and what we choose to do for a living. Make an effort to always retreat from your daily routine activities to commune with God and spend time with your loved ones. Spend time to reflect on your life and how you have lived so far in destiny. Eat in preparation for the task ahead of you spiritually, maritally, academically etc in the journey of destiny. 

+ Are you living a balanced and fulfilled life? 

Prayer: Lord! I receive the grace to live a balanced and fulfilled life in Jesus name. Amen!

Emphasis: Retreating from our routine activities is a culture we must imbibe to live a balanced and fulfilled life!

Have an Awesome Thursday!

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