The Light Daily Devotional – The place of men in the issues of life

Focus: The place of men in the issues of life
When dealing with people, never forget they are humans, not angels, who are prone to error and carnality!
Scriptural Reference:
“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. ” Proverb 4:23 NKJV
In your relationship with men, be mindful of the fact that men will always be men and not angels. Men will only see your appearance and the actions you take in every area of your life, not your motives or intentions. The fact that a man appears to be spiritual does not change the fact that he is a man who can exhibit both a carnal and spiritual nature.
Irrespective of the level of trust you have for people, do not forget to put them in their rightful place. Try as much as possible to find help from God to guard your heart and treat men with love and respect. Be transparent in your dealings with men and ensure that you deal with them with understanding.
Where do you place men in various issues of life?
Prayer: Lord! Help me deal with men with understanding in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: In every relationship, don’t forget that a man will always be a man!
Have a blessed week ahead!