The Light Daily Devotional – The Devices of the Devil

Focus: The Devices of the Devil
The devil will never approach a man evilly but rather in a friendly way to perform his evil enterprise. The most important recipe for remarkable success in every facet of life is to be mindful of the devices of the devil!
Scriptural Reference
“Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11 NKJV
In everything you do, you must not be ignorant of the devices of the devil. He may not stop you from doing whatever you want to do (no matter how significant it appears to be spiritual), but he will only make sure that what you are doing becomes an abomination to God, or better yet, that it is soiled with unrighteousness.
He will never stop a man from praying but will ensure that his prayers are not answered on account of sin and unrighteousness. He will not stop a man from engaging in hard labour for God’s work but will ensure that his labour is fruitless on account of disobedience to God’s principles.
A man who finds himself on the premises of disobedience to God’s word is not safe and is caught in the devil’s trap. When it appears as if you are making it in disobedience, it is the device of the devil to destroy you. Be mindful of the fact that the devil will always want to stay at your right hand to ensure that your life is out of God’s favour.
In what way are you cooperating with the devil to destroy yourself?
Prayer Point: Lord! I receive the grace of divine wisdom against the devices of the devil in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: A little element of sin or unrighteousness is just enough for the devil to perform his evil enterprise in the lives of men!
Have a superb Wednesday!