The Light Daily Devotional – The Essence of Forgiveness

Focus: The Essence of Forgiveness


The essence of the provision of forgiveness of sin as an inheritance of the people of God is to ensure a new beginning and not a license to continue in sin. The instruction to every man who received the forgiveness of sin is “Go and Sin no more”.

Scriptural Reference

“She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”

John 8:11 NKJV

John-8-vs-11-NKJV The Light Daily Devotional - The Essence of Forgiveness
John 8:11 NKJV

A man who continues in sin after assurance of pardon from the Lord is a man who is taking the grace of God for granted. The God we serve is a God of a second chance. He knows that despite our evil ways we can still change to do His will.

 A psalmist said, “The LORD has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death.” (Psalm 118:18). The Lord forgives our sins to give us a new beginning. God does not give up on a man. The exploit Apostle Paul did was possible because the Lord believed in his change. This does not happen without his cooperation.

You also must cooperate with God by repenting from your evil ways, you must not continue to live in sin. Don’t live your life like those men who continue to sin because of the orientation that man cannot but sin and that God will always forgive sins each time we pray to him. The fact that God forgives sin does not change the fact that no sinner will go unpunished and that the wages of sin is death!

+ Do you always come to the point of repentance after you are forgiven of your sins?

Prayer: Lord! Give me the grace to repent from my sin; don’t allow my growth in you to be frustrated in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Emphasis: Whenever you have the assurance of forgiveness, the implication is that you are given another chance to live right!

Have a Beautiful Tuesday!

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