The Light Daily Devotional – It is the Lord’s doing
Focus: It is the Lord’s doing
You have not come to the best conclusion of your life until you have come to know that you are what you are by the virtue of God’s grace and mercy!
Scriptural Reference
“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them- yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.” 1 Corinthians 15:10 NIV
Irrespective of what you are enjoying from life, the fact remains that you are just the product of God’s grace and mercy.
Yes, it is true that you laboured, prayed, and played your part in various aspects of life; the fact remains that it is the grace of God that did not allow all your input to be in vain. Nevertheless, you must always remind yourself that you are what you are by His grace alone. Don’t be tempted to play God or look down on those who are less privileged.
A man of God by the virtue of the Grace of God that always keeps him safe wherever he goes concluded in one of His messages that any child of God who has an accident is a sinner. Unfortunately for him, he had an accident while traveling back to his place of residence. Thank God, he did not die, but his car was condemned beyond repair. This is just a message for him that he was not safe all this time because of his holiness but God’s mercy.
When you see people who don’t have what you have, see them as men who have not received the measure of grace given to you in a particular aspect of life rather than as offenders. Always acknowledge God for making you who you are.
What did you become without the mercy of God?
Prayer: Lord! I bless and acknowledge you for who you are and for what you’ve done so far in my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: Your life is a work in progress in His hands; you are who you are by His grace alone.
Have an elated Friday!