The Light Daily Devotional – Launch Out for a Catch

Focus: Launch Out for a Catch
No time is too late for God to work out His wonders in the lives of men. The only assurance a man has to become blessed in his destiny is to launch out into the deep according to God’s word within the circumference of his desire!
Scriptural Reference: “When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch . . . And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.” Luke 5:4-6 NKJV
If there is anything the Lord wants to give you according to His will, you must never get tired of searching for it. The fact that you have tried and failed so many times does not signify that you can’t get your needs and desires met.
It is very painful for a man to labour so hard while others are sleeping and catching nothing. The case of your life may be similar to the case of Peter. The Lord is not ignorant of your labour; a day of favour is looming. A single day of favour is greater than several years of labour.
If you can see around you the blessings of God that you so much desire and have been longing for in the lives of men, then you must never give up. Be persistent in launching into the deep in anticipation of a great catch in the direction of God’s will for your life. One day, very soon, you will have a breakthrough that will erase all your failures.
Are you on the verge of giving up?
Prayer: Lord! By the virtue of your mercy, let me have a remarkable breakthrough that will cancel all my failures in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: As long as you live, never give up on any good desire of your heart; keep making effort until your joy is full!
Have a Favorite Month Ahead!