The Light Daily Devotional – God’s Reward System

Focus: God’s Reward System
God’s reward system differs from that of men; He rewards men based on the nature of their hearts, the time they waited on Him, and the work they did for Him. Time spent waiting on the Lord with a pure heart and good deeds are never wasted!
Scriptural Reference
“So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, “Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.” (Matthew 20:8 NKJV)
God’s reward system is described in Matthew 20:1-16. The Master appeared at the appointed time for each of these men and did not deprive them of what they deserved. The fact that the last man called to work in the vineyard was paid the same as the first man demonstrates that God rewards both the time a man waits and the time he works for Him. By waiting until the end, the last man demonstrated good character.
This teaches us that it is profitable to wait on the Lord. If you can properly wait on God, you will still have what you believe you should have. Unfortunately, several men are not waiting properly; some have given up hope, while others have settled for alternatives. Those in this category will not receive the Lord’s blessing on their lives.
It makes no difference how long you have been in God’s service; the length of your stay shows how much of his grace and favour you have received, which does not make you special but makes you more accountable to God for the measure of grace given to you. God values service performed with a pure, obedient, and sacrificial heart.
+ What do you seek; serving God?
Prayer: Lord! Help me to serve with a pure, obedient and sacrificial heart in Jesus’ name. Amen
Emphasis: God’s reward system honours both periods of waiting and working with a pure heart!