The Light Daily Devotional – Every blessing of God

The Light Daily Devotional – Every blessing of God

Focus: Every blessing of God

The word for today 

Every blessing of God in the life of a man is made up of both consumables and seeds. There is no other way to prepare for the future than to sow your seed!

Scriptural Reference

“CAST YOUR bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.” Ecclesiastes 11:1 AMP

Every river has a source. A river can never be fresh without flowing unto others. You are not fulfilled until your life through its virtue flows into other lives.

God in His principle gave man the important task of creating other things after the ones He created. The instruction He gave is that man should “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. However, it takes a seed to be fruitful. If you must fulfill a purpose in life you must not eat your seed.

Similarly, when the Lord put a man in the Garden of Eden, He did not allow him to eat everything in it. He told him not to eat the fruit at the center of the garden if he wants to live; that he will die whenever he eats it. He did this to teach him obedience by principle so that he may learn that he is not expected to eat everything that comes his way. 

The reason why we have varieties of food today is that the people that came in contact with them for the very first time were disciplined enough not to eat everything but planted some portions in preparation for the coming days.

Most of the ideas we have today were borne out of the ones transferred to us by those who have gone ahead of us. There is nothing you have that is not given to you. We are created to be a blessing to our world and to provide lasting legacies that will be a source of Joy to many generations. The best way to pray to God for a blessing is to say “Bless me that I may bless my world”, and “Speak to me that I may speak”.

What are you doing with God’s blessing in your life?

Prayer: Lord! Make me a blessing to my generation in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Emphasis: The blessing of the Lord is meant to flow from you to others!

Have a Blessed Tuesday!

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