The Light Daily Devotional – Antidote Against Sinful Guilt

Focus: Antidote Against Sinful Guilt
Confession is the ultimate solution to every sinful guilt. The devil will continue to hold you to ransom to deprive you of your peace, joy and happiness if you fail to confess your sins!
Scriptural Reference
“He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” Proverb 28:13 NKJV
The essence of the gift of salvation to the entire human race is for us to find mercy and pardon for our wrongdoings. Each time you sin you have not done what is strange as a human; it will only be strange if you continue to live in it despite the provision of salvation.
No matter what you think you have done or are doing it is not hidden from God; He said in His word: “For My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from My face, nor is their iniquity concealed from My eyes. (Jer 16:17). Hence, you will be fooling yourself if you continue to cover your sins to live in guilt.
Each time you sin against God whatever you think you are does not matter what matters at that point is confession. Hence, try to always honour God with your decisions and be mindful of the fact that the wages of sin is death. As long as there is a sin yet to be confessed in the life of a man he will keep dying until he is destroyed.
+ Is your life free from guilt?
Prayer: Lord! Help me to honour you with my decisions and live a life free from guilt in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis: The evil enterprise of the devil thrives in darkness; confession is the only deliverance from guilt!
Have a Liberated Week Ahead!