I have a background in science before teleporting into legal portals, dimensions and realms. Practical classes give life to the theoretical equations. I REMEMBER more principles in practical than the ones we crammed to pour.

The sacraments ordained by Christ and practiced by the Apostles are practical classes to deepen scriptural principles in the mind. Most messages of Jesus are practical life stories; so they would remember.

For instance, one of the reasons Jesus instructed the disciples to hold the Communion;

Luke.22 vs 19 ...this do in REMEMBRANCE of me. Practice keeps memories fresh.

There are things we do to remember Jesus. Does baptism help us to remember Jesus? O dear! So well.

Now, sacraments such as baptism and communion, are not conditions for salvation; they are instructions in salvation;

Matt.28 vs 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

As a background: Different sects existed in the days of Jesus on earth; Zealots, Pharisees, Sadducees, etc. Each had public means of identity and initiation.

The rivers were the convergence points since everybody depended on water and there was no pipe borne water. The place to get news about where someone belonged was not social media but the rivers. Coming to be baptized at the river was a public radical step of faith in a society where Christianity was outlawed. The Nicodemuses who sneaked into meetings at night were neither considered nor counted as converted.

Beyond the public practical principle of baptism; it is a fundamental and foundational demonstration of what happens at conversion.

Colossians 2 vs12: Buried WITH him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen WITH him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

The final rest for a dead man is his burial. It’s baptism that demonstrates the rest of a believer from the labours of sin! It’s where Jesus became the Last Adam; where the generation of Adam ended! Wherein also, ye are risen with him…;

The beginning of the New Creation

Baptism is where the practical of Burial and Resurrection are demonstrated to a believer. Notice that we are buried and risen WITH him.

It’s true that Jesus died FOR us but the whole truth is that we were crucified, buried and raised WITH Him! He didn’t just die for me; I died with him! It’s when I died with Him that I became FREED from sin;

Rom.6 vs 7 For he that is dead is freed from sin. Why should a believer miss such a practical class of the end of the old man and the beginning of Newness?

So, baptism reminds us of what Jesus did FOR us and what He did WITH us!

What happens to people who are not baptized?

I also ask; what happens to believers who don’t have access to the Bible or cannot read it? See, eternal life is a family life! You maximize the privileges in the family if you use them. Not using them doesn’t change your surname; it only shrinks your experience.

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