So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city. Joshua 6:20 NKJV
The wall is a boundary. In a house the wall is telling your neighbor this is your boundary. Walls generally tells you this is how far you can come.
Walls are in categories, there are some walls that are natural; for instance the red sea. It only became a wall when the children of Israelites were on their way to the promise land.
There are walls that are inherited; a wall created by a curse pronounced on the family.
There are walls that are man made
The red seas represent walls that people you have left behind to catch up with you, particularly enemies. Represent the kind of walls that can send you back to square one. Represents situations that cause you to backslide to go back to where you have already said bye bye. Represents walls that can render your previous victories useless. Represents the kind of wall that not only delays you for enemies to catch up with you, it could also lead to death é.g Samson. The problem of Samson was that he was a Jew living among the enemies of the Jews. He was supposed to be a mighty conqueror but there was a wall and the wall was him always looking in the wrong direction.
I pray for you today, every red seas in your way shall pass.

I’ll talk briefly about the JERICHO WALL which is another example. The Jericho wall is symbolic of a situation in your life that defiles the promises of God. The wall of Jericho represents something that is saying you are so near but yet you are so far. Represents when you are doing everything God says you should do, you pray, you fast, pay your tithe, give your offerings, win souls, build churches but yet God seems to be silent, that’s the wall of Jericho.
Everything in your life that is causing people to say where is your God, that wall will fall tonight.
Whether you believe it or not, the enemy can see a little bit into your future. Ask the elders,the original diviners can see into your future. I don’t know where the devil was when God anointed David in the house of Jesse but somehow the devil knew. That was why he(the devil) tried to kill him. You don’t know how many battles the Lord has fought for you. It is a miracle you are still alive today. But there’s someone who knows the end from the beginning, He’s called the Alpha and Omega. Not only is He your beginning, He’s going to be your ending in Jesus name.
Today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ every goliath in your life will fall
Tonight, I am not concerned about goliath or the red sea. There are certain walls you create for yourself; walls you carry everywhere.
One of the walls is laziness – Proverbs 22:29, Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 13:4, 2 kings 13:14-25. One of the biggest barriers that we have is that some of us cannot even pray for one hour. Laziness is a terrible wall. I want somebody to raise up his hand and say “I will never be lazy again”
Another wall is pride. Pride is a terrible wall – James 4:6. How can you move forward when God is the one pushing you backwards? God resists the proud – Psalms 73:6, Proverbs 29:23, 2 Kings 5:1-4. A lot of people when they are talking “Daddy G.O, thank God for your humility” I learnt my lesson the hard way, you don’t know who is sitting before you? I was poor and proud; there was nothing to show for the pride. When I became bornagain I became interpreter for Baba. One day one Baba came to meet me to interpret for him, I said “me, who does think he is”
After the sermon, as I was going to my car God spoke, “so you are now too big to interpret for my servant” and suddenly heaven was shut. I didn’t hear a word from God anymore, and the devil knew I wasn’t hearing, so he tormented me as much as he could. I pray, I fasted, God didn’t speak. Pride nearly destroyed me.
In the name that is above every other name, the wall of pride in your life will fall tonight
Another wall that must fall in your life is anger – Psalms 37:8-9, Proverbs 14:17, Ecclesiastes 7:9, Proverbs 16:32. Even the Almighty God is slow to anger – Psalms 145:8. Proverbs 22:24-25
Consider Moses, it was anger that was his wall – Numbers 20. Nobody gets angry without a reason, the moment you feel anger fueling in you, tell yourself, don’t be a fool. Anger is temporary madness.
There is a wall of unbelief – Mark 9:23. Let me assure you, my God can do anything. The wall that has been standing between many of us and our miracles is something called unbelief. Hebrews 11:6.
The other one is doubt – Mark 11:23. Many times we tell the mountain to move and after we say we begin to doubt. James 1:5-8. Just believe Him, don’t doubt.
It’s one thing for the wall to fall, it is another thing for the wall to remain down. The walls that you have made up your mind to destroy must remain forever down. No more doubting, no more unbelief. If others don’t believe you, don’t let that affect you. If others are doubting leave them alone.