Yoruba Hymn: Ẹ ma Tẹsíwájú Kristian Ologun – Onward Christian Soldiers

Hymn 721: Christ Apostolic Church Hymnal
Yoruba Version of Onward Christian Soldiers – Ẹ ma tẹ síwájú, Kristian Ologun
Bible Reference: And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. Exodus 14:15 NKJV
OLUWA si wi fun Mose pe, Ẽṣe ti iwọ fi nkepè mi? sọ fun awọn ọmọ Israeli ki nwọn ki o tẹ̀ siwaju – Eksodu 14:15
Ẹ ma tẹ síwájú, Kristian Ologun
Ma tẹjumọ Jesu t’O mbọ níwájú
Kristi Olúwa wa ni Balógun wa,
Wo! Àsìá Rẹ wà níwájú Ogun,
Ẹ ma tẹ si waju, Kristian Ologun
Ṣa tẹjumọ Jesu t’O mbẹ níwájú.
Ni orukọ Jesu, ogun eṣu sa,
Njẹ Kristian oloogun ma nṣo sí ṣẹgun
Ọrun apadi mi ni hiho iyin,
Ara, gb’ohun yin ga, gb’orin yin soke
Bí ẹgbẹ ogun nla n’ijọ Ọlọrun
Ara, a n rin l’ọna t’awọn mimọ nrin;
A ko ya wa ni ‘pa, ẹgbẹ kan ni wa
Ọkan ni ‘reti, ni ẹkọ, ni ifẹ
Itẹ at’ijọba wọnyi le parun,
Ṣugbọn ìjọ Jésù y’o wa titt lae,
Ọrùn-apadi ko le bori’ijọ yia,
A n’ileri Kristi, eyi kò le yẹ
Ẹ ma ba mi kalọ, ẹyin eniyan,
D’ohun yin pọ mọ wa, l’orin ìṣẹgun;
Ogo, ìyìn, ọla fún Kristi Ọba!
Eyi ni y’o ma jẹ orin wa titi.
Onward Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See, His banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before.
At the name of Jesus
Satan’s host doth flee;
On then, Christian soldiers,
On to victory!
Hell’s foundations quiver
At the shout of praise:
Brothers, lift your voices,
Loud your anthems raise!
Like a mighty army
Moves the Church of God:
Brothers, we are treading
Where the saints have trod;
We are not divided,
All one Body we—
One in faith and Spirit,
One eternally.
Crowns and thrones may perish,
Kingdoms rise and wane;
But the Church of Jesus
Constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never
’Gainst the Church prevail;
We have Christ’s own promise,
Which can never fail.
Onward, then, ye people!
Join our happy throng;
Blend with ours your voices
In the triumph song.
Glory, laud and honor
Unto Christ, the King;
This through countless ages
Men and angels sing.
Author: S. Baring-Gould