The Light Daily Devotional – Move Forward
Caption: Move Forward
KEY WORD FOR TODAY: Each time you want to achieve something and the way looks as if not clear, consider the word of God and move forward accordingly; with the orientation that no matter what happens, you will do what is right and be what God wants you to be!
Scriptural Reference: “And the LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.” (Exodus 14:15 NKJV)
Setbacks are part of the human experience in the journey of destiny. There will be obstacles to overcome whenever a man bids to advance further into his glorious destiny. When Pharaoh released the Israelites to go into the promised land they thought the mission was accomplished until they came to the red sea.
In like manner, you will not but come to various red seas on the pathway of destiny, no matter how great the promises of the Lord is in your life. It is a known fact that God is faithful to His words but our character is a major factor that determines the manifestation of His promises. When the Israelites found themselves in a dead end they lamented bitterly; an action which prompted God to speak to them.
Whenever you experience setbacks it is not a time to lament but a time to consider the word of God and move forward in the direction of God’s plan for your life. Be mindful of the fact that you will get to your destination and place of fulfillment no matter what happens if you will take God by His words and walk in His ways!!!
Question For Meditation: How are you handling the setbacks on the pathway of destiny?
Prayer Point: Lord! I receive the grace to advance further into my glorious destiny in Jesus name. Amen!!!
Main Emphasis: You will only advance further into your glorious destiny when you keep moving forward in the direction of God’s plan for your life!
Have a Progressive Week Ahead!