The Light Daily Devotional – Your Appearance and Your Heart

The Light Daily Devotional – Your Appearance and Your Heart

Focus: Your Appearance and Your Heart

The word for today 

In everything you do, you must be mindful of the fact that men see only your face; only God sees the heart. You must take care of both your face and heart in all situations of life!

Scriptural Reference

“For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7b NJKV).

The perception of God differs from that of men because He places much more priority on the nature of the hearts of men than their appearance, whereas the reverse is true for men. Your face determines what men think about you, while your heart determines what God thinks about you. 

In the absence of pretense, your heart defines your actions. Try as much as possible to be transparent; don’t tell people that “God sees your heart.” Let them see your heart in your face through righteousness. When the actions of men do not correlate with what is in their hearts, several issues in their lives will be characterized with question marks depicting uncertainties.

Don’t be like King Saul, who only values his face but not his heart. He desired the praise of men while walking in disobedience to God’s principles. Eliab and Absalom had the face or appearance of kings but not the hearts of a king. Keep your heart with all diligence and live a life patterned after Christ.

What is the perception of both men and God? 

Prayer: Lord! Give me the grace to live according to your will and as a worthy ambassador of Christ before men in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Emphasis: Men cannot see beyond appearance, but they can see your heart through your lifestyle!

Have a wonderful week ahead!

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