The Light Daily Devotional – Those Who Know God
Focus: Those Who Know God
The word for today
The experience of a man is meant to bring God to him beyond the written pages of the scripture. The word of God is not fulfilled until it becomes life!
Scriptural Reference
“But the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong {and} shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].” Daniel 11:32 AMP
Many things you read about God and the ones you were told by people will be subject to doubt if you don’t know Him by experience. The essence of most of the challenges you face is majorly to make you know God by experience.
You cannot confuse someone like Daniel, who stayed in the lion’s den for hours without being hurt by the personality of God in His ability to save, or the 3 Hebrews, who came out of the burning, fiery furnace unhurt. Those Israelites who walked across the red sea lived to testify to the mighty act of God. It is not the case that they were told; it happened to them and was written on their behalf to the credit of God’s personality.
Even so, you have not known God until you know Him by experience. Knowing God through various life experiences teaches you beyond every iota of doubt the real personality of God. If you must advance further in life with great confidence to fulfill your glorious destiny, you must know Him. Don’t run away from various dealings meant to reveal more of God’s personality to you; always count your blessings and hold to your faith in Him.
+ What do you know about the God you serve? Do you have faith in Him?
Prayer: Lord! I want more of you. I want to know you beyond the written pages of the scripture in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: Knowing God by experience is inevitable if you must do great exploits in the land of the living!
Have a glorious Wednesday!