The Light Daily Devotional – The Lord is Good

Focus: The Lord is Good
Irrespective of what is happening, what has happened and what will happen; the fact remains that God is good and His mercy is without a limit. Your existence is living proof of His goodness and Mercy!
Scriptural Reference
“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1 NKJV
There are several mysteries about life which are beyond human comprehension. If only you can pause a little and think about your life this year, you will discover that God has been gracious to you. God has done so much for us and we cannot tell it all. Despite the effect of the hard time imposed on the entire human race in terms of loss of life, jobs, career, materials, relationships; the Lord brought us this far.
The Lord deserves nothing but our appreciation and worship. Faith in God demands that you believe that all He does is good and the best for you. Life has proven over time that not all good things are good for the heart of men. God uses both the good and bad things of life to shape our lives into His intended purpose for us. That you are still alive signifies that you have hope and a better tomorrow lies ahead.
+ Do you have enough faith to say the Lord is good to you?
Prayer: Lord! You are good! Thank you for your mercy over my life. I worship you in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis: No matter what a man feels, the fact remains that God is good and His mercy is limitless!
Have a Wonderful Month Ahead!