The Light Daily Devotional – The Act of Love Towards You

The Light Daily Devotional – The Act of Love Towards You

Focus: The Act of Love Towards You


Every act of love towards you is meant to teach you the value and how to love. Every love shown to you is a waste if it will not imbibe in you the inspiration to do likewise to others!

Scriptural Reference

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1Peter 4:10 NIV).

The love shown to you prepares you for what to do when you come in contact with people who need to be shown the same love. Life will be very beautiful if all men will have a feeling of indebtedness whenever they are shown love. It takes sacrifice to be shown love no matter how small it looks.

Whenever you are given a gift and men pray, advise, counsel, guide, and connect you; the aim is to teach you love, service and what it means to do those things and its blessedness. When these gestures are shown to you be mindful of the silent voice; which whispers to you “go and do likewise unto men”. 

When you are made happy you have known a way to make people happy. If you are forgiven, forgive others as well. Accept the benevolence of men toward you with great indebtedness. Do not forget to do likewise when the situation and time demand it. 

+ Do you enjoy the love of men with a great sense of indebtedness?

Prayer: Lord! Help me to always replicate the Love shown to me in the lives of men in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Emphasis: Every act of love towards you is a lesson meant to teach you how to treat men!

Have a Lovely Week Ahead!

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