The Light Daily Devotional – Right but Not Loyal

Focus: Right but Not Loyal
The nature of a man’s heart is very critical to whatever he does in every facet of life. Your loyalty to God comes first before whatever you do for Him!
Scriptural Reference
“And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a loyal heart.” (2Chronicles 25:2 NKJV)
The works of the flesh manifest in both good and bad attitudes. You can do what is right but not in absolute obedience to God’s instructions to you. A man can engage in spiritual activities in the name of God but for the sole aim of getting money or becoming famous.
You are not loyal to God until you obey Him at all cost in all you do. In 1 Sam 15, King Saul went to Amalekite according to God’s word but carried out the instructions in the manner that suited him. God saw his actions as disloyalty. God is not interested in the service of a man who is not loyal to Him. Be mindful of the fact that God seeks your loyalty before what you can do for Him.
+ Are you loyal to God?
Prayer: Lord! I receive the grace to obey you at all cost and live to manifest your Glory all the days of my life in Jesus name. Amen
Emphasis: Doing what is right is not enough if your heart is not right with God!
Have a Superb Wednesday!