The Light Daily Devotional –  Life Begins with a Vision

The Light Daily Devotional –  Life Begins with a Vision

Focus: Life Begins with a Vision

The word for today

Life begins with a vision! No one arrives at a future they do not prepare for.

Scriptural Reference

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” — Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

Vision is the foundation of a purposeful life. It provides direction and sets the path for the future. Without a clear vision, people lack guidance and are likely to wander aimlessly, ultimately leading to their downfall. Vision acts as a roadmap, helping us to prepare and align our actions with our goals and God’s will.

Preparation is key to achieving any future aspiration. Just as a builder needs a blueprint before constructing a house, we need a vision to guide our life’s journey. This vision must be nurtured with diligent planning, prayer, and adherence to God’s laws. When we keep God’s laws and align our vision with His purpose, we find true happiness and fulfillment.

A vision helps us to harness our resources and focus our efforts on what truly matters. It allows us to anticipate challenges and devise strategies to overcome them. With a vision, we can make informed decisions that lead us closer to our desired future. 

Meditation: How clear and compelling is your vision for the future?

Prayer: Dear Lord, I receive the grace to cultivate a clear vision for my life. Help me to prepare diligently and align my actions with Your will, so that I may achieve the future You have planned for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Emphasis: It takes vision, preparation, and adherence to God’s laws to arrive at a future filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Have a Visionary Week Ahead!

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