The Light Daily Devotional – Honour your Parents
Focus: Honour your Parents
Those who honour their parents never suffer shame. Your prosperity and longevity in destiny are attached to the honour of your parents!
Scriptural Reference
“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:2-3 NKJV
No matter how great a man appears to be, he didn’t fall from heaven. Some people took it upon themselves to bring him to the limelight and teach him how to take the first step in every facet of life. An important responsibility a man has as he processes destiny is to preserve the honour of his parents according to God’s will. No matter who your parents appear to be the fact remains that there are two major blessings you can tap through them: long life and prosperity.
If there is an issue in your life and it appears things are not working well; sow a seed of honour in the lives of your parents and those who perform the responsibility of parents in any capacity. The prayers of those who have gone ahead of you will always take you ahead of any limitations and define your destiny. The likes of Canaan (Gen 9:20–27), Reuben, Simeon and Levi (Gen 49) were cursed because they dishonour their father. Do not at any time make your father feel dishonored on the account of your actions.
+ What does your existence represent before your parents?
Prayer: Lord! Help me to live the life of honour and honour my parents in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: Prosperity and long life are what you stand to gain when you honour your father and your mother!
Have a Graceful Tuesday!