The Light Daily Devotional – Generation of those who seek the Lord
Focus: Generation of those who seek the Lord
Faithfulness, righteousness, holiness, commitment, fruitfulness, and fulfillment are the hallmarks of generations who seek the Lord. All men who seek the Lord earnestly find Him and receive His blessings!
Scriptural Reference
“He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob. Selah (Psalm 24:5 NIV)
You are not serving God until you do whatever it takes to find Him. Men are drawn into the center of God’s plan for them because they have a strong desire to seek Him. Life has proven that we don’t really know or have an idea of what we need in life because the conception of our existence was never our idea, but rather God’s, the creator of all things.
Everything in life will be meaningless until you seek God to give it meaning. The earth and all its fullness belong to the LORD (Ps.24:1). As a result, the blessings you seek will only come from the Lord. Seeking the Lord entails more than just participating in spiritual activities or attending meetings; it also entails walking and working according to God’s will for you. Those who seek the Lord have clean hands, a pure heart, and a soul that has not been lifted to an idol or sworn deceitfully (Psalm 24:4). Seek the Lord, and the Lord will bless you.
+ Are you among those who seek the Lord?
Prayer: Lord! Help me to always seek and find you in the journey of destiny in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: The generations of those who seek the Lord will be blessed by Him!
Have a Blessed Friday!