The Light Daily Devotional – Correct Estimation of Yourself
Focus: Correct Estimation of Yourself
What people see about us is not enough to define our personality. You will not be right in the estimation of yourself until you see yourself just the way God who sees the heart and every deep secret of life sees you!
Scriptural Reference
“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you–unless, of course, you fail the test? 2Corinthians 13:5 NIV
In the same way that every man needs to go for periodic medical checkups for physical well-being, there is a need for spiritual checkups. This is because the devil, like a roaring Lion, is looking for someone to devour. Hence, you must always check to see if you are on the Lord’s side and that He is still standing by your side to bring His word to pass in your life.
At every point in time you must be sure if:
- You love God and have given your all to Him.
- You have dominion over flesh, sin, evil within and without.
- You no longer have condemnation for sin and that Jesus rules in your heart.
- The will of God is the driving force of your life.
- You are walking in heaven’s pure life and your soul is clothed white.
- There is no bitterness in your heart and you are at peace with both God and men.
You will only know the correct state of your life under God if and only if you examine your life.
+ Is your heart right with God?
Prayer: Lord! May I never stray away from faith. Help me remain in your will in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: Correct estimation of your life is critical to a healthy spiritual life!
Have a Superb Wednesday!