The Light Daily Devotional – All Glory Must be to the Lord
Focus: All Glory Must be to the Lord
You have not succeeded in destiny until you have returned all the glory of your existence to the Lord. As long as you live you must have it at the back of your mind that no flesh must glory in His presence!
Scriptural Reference
“I am the LORD, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images.” Isaiah 42:8 NKJV
You are created for His Glory (Isa 43:7). Your life is an object of His expression; hence, you must never ascribe the glory that belongs to the Lord to another or take it to yourself.
When you compete with others and win or set out having an intention to achieve something and you achieve it or you go through several hurdles of life and come out victoriously; you are not a superman neither are you a genius but the mercy of God crowned your effort with glory.
Each time life appears to you as if you are something and tend to bring you into an era of glorification remember you are dust and that the breath of God make you a living being and His mercy works out things in your favour. Hence, learn how to be humble enough by laying your crowns to worship the glorious God and honour Him with your life.
+ Do you ascribe all glory to the Lord?
Prayer: Lord! Help me to honour you with my lifestyle and be an expression of your glory all the days of my life in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis: When God beautifies your life in any aspect of life you must know that it is for His glory!
Have a Glorious Week Ahead!