Prayers from the Book of Thessalonians

Prayers from the Book of Thessalonians

The Book of Thessalonians was written by Paul around A.D 51. Paul urged the Thessalonians to lead lives worthy of Chrit’s kingdom. He encouraged them to remain strong, despite persecution for the sake of the Gospel. Paul also guided the church in a few practical matters, addressing cases of adultery, revelry, disrespect and obstruction of the Holy Spirit’s work. Paul corrected these believers while affirming his love for them.

Prayers from the Book of Thessalonians

1. Father, give me your grace and peace – 1 Thessalonians 1 vs 1

2. Oh Lord, help me to live a life you consider worthy of your Kingdom. 1 Thess. 2 vs 12

3. Father, help me to remain strong in the faith and do not let the devil get the better of me. 1 Thess. 3 vs 5

4. Father, help me to remain pure. 1 Thess. 4:3

5. Father, help me to finish well, that I may reign with Christ when he returns. 1 Thess. 4 vs 14

6. Lord Jesus, let your grace abide with me. 1 Thess. 5 vs 28

7. Oh Lord let my faith and love for others grow. 2 Thess. 1 vs 3

8. Oh Lord, make me worthy of your Kingdom 2 Thess. 1 vs 5

9. Dear Lord, provide rest for me in any situation I am going through 2 Thess. 1 vs 7

10. Father, grant me the grace to live a life worthy of His call and enable me to accomplish all the good things you want to do because you trust Him. 2 Thess. 1 vs 11

11. Oh Lord, may I not be amongst those who are on the way to destruction and those who will be fooled by the devil. 2 Thess. 2 vs 10.

12. Father, comfort and strengthen in every good thing I do and say. 2 Thess. 2 vs 16

13. Father, lead my heart into full understanding and expression of your love. 2 Thess. 3 vs 5

14. Dear Lord, help me not to get tired of doing good. 

15. Father, grant me your peace at all times and in every situation. 

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