The Light Daily Devotional – What do you request?

Focus: What do you request?
The word for today
Your concerns and anxieties are not unknown to the God of heaven, who is aware of them in every facet of your life. Do not be afraid to always bring your desire to the Lord at any time, especially in times of trouble!
Scriptural Reference
“Then the king said to me, “What do you request?” So I prayed to the God of heaven. “(Nehemiah 2:4 NKJV)
When it comes to the needs of men, there is no such thing as a free calendar; men have needs that must be satisfied at every moment in time. This is due to the fact that there is no resolution to the problems that life presents. You were struggling to meet a critical need in your life at this time last year. In spite of everything the Lord has done for you this past year, there are still some needs that must be fulfilled. Will there ever be a time in a man’s life when he has no need for anything at all? No! Every blessing that God places in a man’s life teaches him to be dependent on him for more.
Our existence is made more lovely by the hopes, aspirations, and expectations that we have for ourselves. The fact that you are still living is evidence that what God will do in your life is not finished yet, and this is justification for the fact that there is more to come. The Lord’s word makes it abundantly apparent that it is right and beneficial for people to have hope in, and patiently wait for, the salvation of the LORD. (Lam.3.26). Bring all of your requests before God, regardless of how many there are; he will provide for all of your needs.
What do you request?
Prayer: Lord! As we present our requests before you, answer our prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: The King who is above all and can do what no man can do is asking you at this very point in time: What do you request?
Have a Providential Wednesday!