The Light Daily Devotional – The Time to Repent

Focus: The Time to Repent
There is no better time to repent than when you have a discovery of wrongdoing. The expectation of God for you is to repent each time you know you have sinned!
Scriptural Reference
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19 NIV).
Each time you find yourself falling in sin or get trapped in wrongdoing; it is not for you to continue in it but to repent from it. Humility demands that you acknowledge your sin and turn from doing it. God will only wipe out your sins if you truly repent.
Do not postpone the day of repentance to the future; it is a wonderful privilege to know that something is not right about your deeds. The refreshment your soul required for a successful walk with God on earth will only happen if you repent from your evil ways. Stop making excuses for committing sins; repentance is what God requires. Until you repent the work of the cross is in vain in your life. See also (
+ Have you repented from your sins?
Prayer: Lord! I receive the grace to repent from my sins in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis: The essence of the redemption of mankind through Christ Jesus is for all men to come to repentance!
Have a Refreshed Thursday!