The Light Daily Devotional – The Secret Place

Focus: The Secret Place
The word for today
Life is made and destroyed in a secret place; you can only be sure of a good life when your life is good in the secret place. It is only the man who honours God in secret that will abide under the shadow of the Almighty God!
Scriptural Reference
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1 NKJV)
Your real personality is the life you live in a secret place. The victory you have in the secret place defines your strength and the perspective of your destiny. All men who failed to honour God in their secret place eventually failed in their destiny. Your life in the secret is a replica of what your life will be in the future. All battles in life are won and lost in secret places.
Gehazi secretly followed Naaman to collect gifts but publicly became leprous. Achan secretly stole the accursed things but was publicly killed with his household. If these men had settled the issues that led to their ordeal by honouring God in secret, they would have been saved. Joseph has the life God wants to give him because he honoured God in the secret place. The blessing, protection, and long life that God gives belong to those who honour God in their secret place.
Do you honour God in your secret place?
Prayer: I receive the grace to honour God in their secret places in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: You will only have the life God wants to give you if you honour Him in your secret place!
Have a blessed Tuesday!