The Light Daily Devotional – The Lord is Good
Focus: The Lord is Good
In every joy, tribulation, faults and failure, challenges, cases of hopelessness, lack, victory, peaceful and blissful moment of life, health and sickness, prosperity and inadequacies the Lord has proven Himself to be good at all times. It takes great faith to know that the Lord is good at all times in every situation of life!!!
Scriptural Reference
“O GIVE thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.” (Psalms 136:1 AMP).
As you move on in life there is one important thing you must always have at the back of your mind about the Almighty God: His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.
He is a wonderful God who reveals His personality through both the good and bad experiences of life. Most of the experiences we have are born out of His mercy over our lives no matter how terrible they appear to be.
We know Him as a great provider because when in need He provides for us. As a mighty healer because He healed us from our sickness. As the Lord who is mighty in battle because He gave us victory over all challenges of life. As a miracle worker because we see Him always by our side when all hope is lost.
How can we know beyond the written pages of the scripture without various experience of life? Therefore, by experience not by what we were told or read in the scripture that the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever.
+ With respect to everything around you; Have you come to know that God is good at all times?
Lord! I give thanks to you because you are good and your mercies endure forever in my life in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis:Irrespective of whatever you feel about life the fact remains that He is Good and His mercies endure forever!
Have a Blissful Friday!