The Light Daily Devotional – The Honour of Elders

The Light Daily Devotional – The Honour of Elders

Focus: The Honour of Elders


No matter how bright and promising a man’s journey in life may seem, it can quickly turn to shame and disgrace if he lives in the dishonor of the elders who have guided him along the way. The path of destiny is not one we walk alone; it is paved by the wisdom, sacrifices, and guidance of those who have gone before us!

Scriptural Reference

“Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for ‘God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.'” — 1 Peter 5:5 (NKJV)

Humility and respect for our elders are not just social niceties—they are divine principles that attract God’s favour and grace. It is no accident that there are those who journey ahead of you in life. No matter how knowledgeable or skilled you may become, remember that you were once taught by others. God used certain individuals to help you take your first steps in every aspect of life—whether it was learning to walk, to speak, to read, or to understand the deeper principles of life. Therefore, as you progress and achieve success, do not become prideful or dismissive of those who have helped you along the way. 

The story of Noah and his sons serves as a sobering example of the consequences of dishonoring one’s elders. Despite Noah’s flaw in becoming drunk, his younger son, Ham, was cursed because he dishonored his father by exposing his vulnerability. In contrast, his other sons, Shem and Japheth, were blessed because they chose to honour their father, covering his shame rather than exploiting it. This story teaches us that the honour we show to our elders can bring either blessings or curses upon our lives.

Every wise child who desires to enjoy the glory that comes with age must preserve the honour of the elders in righteousness. The grace that feeds you, that has guided you, and shown you the way, should never be abused or taken for granted. Always celebrate and honour the elders who have invested in your life, acknowledging the role they have played in your journey.

Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in 1 Timothy 5:1-2 (NKJV) further emphasizes the importance of honoring our elders: “Do not rebuke an older man, but exhort him as a father. ..” This instruction encourages us to approach our elders with the respect and reverence due to them, recognizing their experience and the value they bring to our lives. In honouring our elders, we align ourselves with God’s heart, attracting His grace and favour. The journey of life is long and filled with challenges, but those who honour the wisdom of the past are better equipped to navigate the future.

Meditation: Do you recognize the importance of humility and respect in your journey of destiny?

Prayer: Dear Lord, grant me the grace to honour those who have gone before me, who have invested in my life, and who have guided me on my journey. Help me to remain humble, recognizing that my success is not solely my own but is built upon the foundation laid by others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Emphasis: The road to greatness is paved with humility and respect for those who have come before us. Honour your elders, for in doing so, you attract God’s grace and secure a future of blessings.

Have a Blessed Day!

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