The Light Daily Devotional – The Forgiveness of Sin

Focus: The Forgiveness of Sin
Irrespective of the gravity of your sin and the guilt in your heart, be rest assured that God is faithful and just enough to forgive your sins if you turn to Him and repent!
Scriptural Reference
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1John 1:9 NKJV)
God is not a man; when God forgives a man, He truly forgives and remembers his iniquity no more! By the virtue of the work of the cross; there is forgiveness for every man who turns to God and repents. Each time a man sins; he is required to be just by admitting the fact that he sinned and turn to God for the forgiveness of sin.
The first step to finding forgiveness of your sins is to admit that you have sinned and that you are a weak man who needs help with all sincerity. After which you are required to change your direction; i.e. coming to the Lord for the remission of your sins.
Prodigal son after wasting the resources he collected from his father still found mercy from Him when he turned back to Him. Don’t ever be tempted to go away from the will of God because the words of the evil one whispering into your heart that: “With what you just did God can never forgive” That is a lie from the evil one. In every situation do not go away from the Lord. Remember the word of the Psalmist which says: The LORD has chastened me severely, But He has not given me over to death. (Ps.118:18 NKJV).
+ Have you found forgiveness?
Prayer: Lord! To you alone I will remain until you bring me into perfection of your work in my life in Jesus name. Amen
Emphasis: God is ready to forgive your sins if you will turn to Him and repent!
Have a Promising week ahead.