The Light Daily Devotional – The Blessedness of Knowing God

Focus: The Blessedness of Knowing God
Knowing God, working and walking in His ways, makes life more enjoyable and fulfilling. Knowing God is the first step toward having the life God desires for you!
Scriptural Reference
“And this is the way to have eternal life–to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.” John 17:3 NLT
Knowing God is essential for living the life God intends for you. Knowing God entails following Christ and walking in His footsteps. The Apostle Paul’s life took a dramatic turn when he had an encounter with Christ and learned about His personality. He transformed from a persecutor of God’s people to a man who defends the Lord’s course and works to advance the Kingdom’s business.
When Zacchaeus came into contact with Jesus, he became a changed man. Knowing Jesus influenced him to repentance before God and men. Because they knew God, people like David, Daniel, and Joseph became who God wanted them to be. When a man yields himself to know God and begins to work and walk in His ways, his life improves. You must know God in order to do God’s will and be a blessing to your world.
+ Do you know God?
Prayer: Lord! Help me to know you more in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: Knowing God is a means to eternal life!
Have a Graceful Thursday!