The Light Daily Devotional –  That Which is Born of God

The Light Daily Devotional –  That Which is Born of God

Focus: That Which is Born of God

The word for today

It is only that which is born of God that can overcome in the battle of life. When God is involved in the affairs of a man’s life, he can be rest assured that he will overcome in the battle of life!

Scriptural Reference

“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world–our faith.” (1 John 5:4 NKJV)

The word “overcome” is associated with battles. We are in for a serious battle each time we set out to possess our possessions and have rest in the land of the living. Nevertheless, the battle we face is not of us and beyond us but the battle is the Lord’s; the Alpha and Omega.

Therefore, we can only overcome the battle of life through the help of God alone. Your Academics, Marriage, Business and Ministry will only overcome if its foundation is rooted in the word of God and established by faith in Him.

To be born of God means to believe in Christ Jesus and allow Him through the Holy Spirit to live His life in you. If you resemble Him, you will not sin; you will keep yourself, and the wicked one cannot touch you (1 John 5:18). As you proceed in destiny be mindful of the fact that you can only claim that you have faith if God can take responsibility for your actions.

Meditation: Will you allow God to take the responsibility of various affairs of your life?

Prayer: Dear Lord, Take the wheel of my life and take pre-eminence over all my affairs In Jesus’ name, Amen.!

Emphasis: You will only overcome; if you are born of God and He takes responsibility for the affairs of your life!

Have a Glorious Thursday!

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