The Light Daily Devotional – Stop Looking Down

Focus: Stop Looking Down: seek those things which are above
The word for today
A man will not but suffer heartbreak, disappointment that leads to depression when he concentrates more on the things of the earth. The best way to live is to seek the will of God as it is in Heaven!
Scriptural Reference
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossian 3.1-2)
Each time a man looks down; he sees what he can do, what he needs but out of reach, his limitations, those he thinks can help but do not, lying vanities, impossibilities, striving for what cannot help and frantic race for relevance that don’t last. Hence, there is no help looking down and there is no need for you to keep focusing down here so that you will not go down.
We must look up to God in all situations of life; this is where your help will come Ps 121. To look up means to seek the will of God; looking beyond your limitation and what man can do, looking above your present level in anticipation of His best level for you. Trusting in the everlasting arm and keeping faith and hope alive in God with no regard to position, material and human resources at your disposal.
Meditation: Where is your focus and what do you seek?
Dear Lord, Be my hope, light, strength and song through the fiercest drought and storm of life in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: True exaltation happens when you seek those things which are above!
Have an Awesome Tuesday