The Light Daily Devotional – Spiritual Significance

The Light Daily Devotional –  Spiritual Significance

Focus: Spiritual Significance



Everything that happens to you has spiritual significance. You must be mindful of the fact that what you are and what you will be is already programmed by God!


Scriptural Reference

“All things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing was made that was made. John 1:3 NKJV


The word of God precedes every issue that happens in the affairs of men. What has happened, what is happening and that which is to come is subjected to the word of God. The word of God has gone ahead of every situation of your life.  Therefore, the word of the Lord is not alien to various issues in your life. 


In the scripture, we see Christ Jesus on many occasions fulfilling prophecy just to establish the purpose of God. What happened to the likes of Joseph, David, Abraham and Jacob revealed the efficiency of God’s word. The happenings in your life are following a spiritual trend. You are a product of prophecy. 


Therefore, cooperate with God by yielding yourself to His word to bring about the fulfilment of His purpose in your life. 


+ Is your life patterned according to the word of God? 


Prayer: Lord! I will fulfil my days, I will not fail in destiny; I will be what you want me to be in Jesus name. Amen!


Emphasis: You are a spiritual being and everything that happens to you has spiritual significance!


Have a Blessed Wednesday!

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