The Light Daily Devotional – Some Things to Always Remember

Focus: Some Things to Always Remember


In every situation of life, you must never forget that there is nothing you have that is not given to you and that there is nothing you have that will not be taken away from you. Life is a privilege given to all to worship God!

Scriptural Reference

“And he said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.”

Job 1:21 NKJV

Job-1-vs-21-NKJV The Light Daily Devotional - Some Things to Always Remember
Job 1:21 NKJV

Life is characterized by different times and seasons. Both the good and bad seasons come with their peculiarities and tests. Irrespective of the season you find yourself at every point in time, you must be mindful of the fact that God is the God of all seasons; who deserves to be praised and worshiped. You must be mindful of the following:

1. You came naked: You have nothing, if there is something you claim to have it was given to you. You must not be an ingrate be it in little or much, in gain and loss; learn to appreciate God.

2. You will return naked. Everything you have is just an attachment that you will either leave or they will leave you. Learn how to empty yourself of whatever achievement you have to worship God. Store up your treasure in heaven; it is only what you are able to store in heaven that is truly your own.

3. You don’t have what you don’t have because God has not given you. When He gives no one can take. Seek God for what you need.

4. No man can have what the Lord has taken away from him. 

Irrespective of what you feel at any point in time by the virtue of your experience; don’t forget to worship God who rules in the affairs of men.

+ Have you cultivated the habit of worshiping God in all situations? 

Prayer: Lord! I worship You, You are beautiful for all situations; be forever praised in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Emphasis: The Lord will always place your life on the watch to see if you will praise Him in all situations! 

Have an awesome Thursday!

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