The Light Daily Devotional – Not on the Platter of Gold

The Light Daily Devotional – Not on the Platter of Gold

Focus: Not on the Platter of Gold

The word for today 

Every promise of God concerning your life will surely be fulfilled, but not on a platter of gold. The promises of God will only be fulfilled through obedience to His principles!

Scriptural Reference

And you shall remember that the LORD your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.” Deuteronomy 8:2 NKJV.

The Lord wants to be sure of the love, obedience, faith, and trust the Israelites had in Him before ushering them into the promised land. They had to pay the price involved in possessing their land of promise through the wilderness experience. 

Many of them couldn’t make it to the land of promise because they failed the wilderness test. Thank God for everything the Lord has said concerning you. They will only stand when you cooperate with God according to His principles. You must brace up to obey God without any reservation. 

Be mindful of the fact that every good thing in life comes with a price. At every critical junction of life’s achievement, do not seek an easy ride but diligently obey God’s principles.

Are you positioned on the premises of God’s promises?

Prayer: Lord! I receive the grace to walk and work on the premises of the fulfillment of your promises for my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Emphasis: The world is not designed to present any good thing to you on a platter of gold—not even God’s promises!

Have a promising Wednesday!

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