The Light Daily Devotional – Magnify the Lord

Focus: Magnify the Lord
The word for today
Whatever you magnify becomes big in your life. If you magnify God and His word in your life it will become big; but if you magnify and lay more emphasis on your battles, challenges, and problems the bigger they will become!
Scriptural Reference
“And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.” Luke 1:46-47 NKJV
When the word of the Lord came to Mary the mother of Jesus, she accepted the word and magnified the Lord. This attitude she displayed brought about the fulfillment of the word of God, which appeared impossible at the onset, in her life. Irrespective of the challenges in your life you must not magnify it but magnify what God has said concerning it.
The reason why most people will not have the life God wants to give them is that they magnify the issues that come their way which appears more like a setback in the journey of destiny than the promises of God for their lives. When the children of Israel went to spy on the land God promised them they saw the giants in the land. As a result of their findings, they began to see impossibilities in the promises of God and forgot all the miracles they experienced on their journey.
Life challenges are typical experiences of a man in the journey of destiny do not magnify them. Always magnify God and His word for your life. Live your entire life emphasizing the word of God and live in the reality of His promises for you.
Have you cultivated the habit of magnifying God in every situation of life?
Prayer: Lord! You are bigger than all life’s problems, be magnified in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Emphasis: The problems in the life of a man will become insignificant whenever God is magnified!
Have a Magnificent Friday!