The Light Daily Devotional –  It Is the Will of God 

The Light Daily Devotional –  It Is the Will of God 

Focus: It Is the Will of God 


No matter what your past experiences have been, regardless of your present circumstances, or what you anticipate in the days to come, one truth remains constant: it is the will of God for you to give thanks. Gratitude is a divine command and an essential aspect of walking in God’s purpose!

Scriptural Reference

“No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT)

Life is filled with mysteries that are beyond human understanding. In His infinite wisdom and mercy, God has chosen to shield many aspects of our lives from our comprehension and even from the predictions of men. There are things we cannot explain, outcomes we did not anticipate, and paths we did not plan to take. Yet, through it all, God’s will is at work, shaping and directing the journey of our lives.  

The Word of God reminds us in James 4:15 not to boast about tomorrow but to humbly submit every plan to the condition of God’s will. This is because God’s will is sovereign, and His purpose prevails over all human plans and desires. Whatever we have achieved, wherever we have gone, and whatever dreams have come to pass were only possible because they aligned with His will.

There are moments in life when everything seems to fall into place effortlessly. Goals are achieved, prayers are answered, and opportunities open up unexpectedly. These blessings and successes are a reflection of God’s will for your life. They are a testament to His faithfulness, His provision, and His desire to see you prosper in accordance with His divine purpose. 

On the other hand, there are times when pursuits fail, dreams are delayed, aspirations are unfulfilled, and prayers seem to go unanswered. These moments of disappointment and frustration can be difficult to accept, but they too are within the scope of God’s will. Some setbacks occur to protect you. God, in His wisdom, may withhold certain things to shield you from harm or to prepare you for something greater.  

Some experiences are consequences of disobedience. God uses them to correct and redirect you back to His path. Others are simply part of His greater plan. What seems like a failure to you may be a stepping stone in the grander picture of your destiny. The sum total of both positive and negative experiences is what has brought you to where you are today. 

As you reflect on your life this year, take a moment to appreciate God for every experience—good and bad. Your journey has been a tapestry of His will, woven with moments of blessing, correction, and preparation. Whatever has unfolded in your life this year, remember that God has been with you every step of the way. His plans are always for your good, and His will is always perfect.

Meditation: Do you believe it is God’s will at work in both your successes and  struggles? 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of life and for every experience that has brought me to where I am today. Open my eyes to see Your hand in every situation, and may my heart overflow with gratitude for Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Emphasis: It is the will of God for you to give thanks in every situation, for every experience is part of His divine purpose for your life. Gratitude is an intentional act of faith, trusting in the sovereignty and goodness of God.

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