The Light Daily Devotional – Grace in the Heart
Focus: Grace in the Heart
The word for today
What we must always emphasize in all offerings and acts of giving, is the grace in the heart of the giver, not the size, quality, or quantity. It is the grace of God at work in the heart of a giver that makes whatever a man gives acceptable – Gbile Akanni!
Scriptural Reference
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV
Willingness and cheerfulness from the heart of worship is the ultimate quality God expects from every act of giving. Whatever you give grudgingly and after being motivated or pressurized is not acceptable to God. So also whatever you give to satisfy the sinful nature. The acceptability of your offering to God begins when you see it as a great privilege.
Grace in a man’s heart will help him to see giving as a privilege. Such people will not be ashamed to give anything no matter how small. The ultimate giving is the release of your life selflessly in service to God and the brethren.
This is what that grace is all about. It is about making others rich even if we become poor. The issue in giving is grace, not a show. The souls of men are much more important and that is the greatest offering you can offer to God.
+ Are you a man full of grace?
Prayer: Lord! I receive the grace to release myself selflessly in service to You and the brethren in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: Giving will never be an issue when there is grace in the heart of the giver!
Have a Graceful Wednesday!