The Light Daily Devotional – Finding Joy and Happiness

Focus: Finding Joy and Happiness
As long as you live, in every situation of life, you have the right to be joyful and happy as God’s children. Finding joy and happiness in life begins with finding contentment in what God has done for you and His plan and purpose for your life at every point in time!
Scriptural Reference
“So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is why they are here! No one will bring them back from death to enjoy life in the future.” Ecclesiastes 3:22 NLT
The Preacher in his wisdom admonished men to be happy with everything that has to do with them; because irrespective of what happens to them, they will still die. Hence, as a living soul find joy in the Lord and be happy; praising God even as you keep faith alive hoping for the best.
Several people are not happy today not because they are sick but because of what they did not have or what God has not done for them. Hence, they think that their joy will be full at the point of accomplishment. However, life has proven that men lose satisfaction over their aspirations at the point of achievement. They will now realize that “so what I have been laboring to achieve is not more than this”.
You cannot be happy having big things in life if you are not happy with the small things God has done for you. Your disposition to life in the days of little beginning is a prototype of what your life will be when your achievement grows. Those who are truly enjoying life are not those who have riches but those who find rest in God’s salvation and are content with the measure of God’s grace in their lives.
Question For Meditation: Have you found rest in God’s salvation?
Prayer Point: Lord! I receive the grace to always find joy and happiness in you in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Main Emphasis: Finding God and doing His will in every facet of life is the beginning of finding joy and happiness!
Have a Joyful Friday!