The Light Daily Devotional – Faithful is He that Promised
Focus: Faithful is He that Promised
You must never give up on what God has said concerning your life. God is faithful and He can be trusted to keep his promise!
Scriptural Reference
“Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Hebrew 10:23 NLT
One of those things the devil wants to achieve in your life is that you should give up on what God said and thereby become unfaithful to Him. As far as God’s promises are concerned; the manner he dealt with the people of old establishes the fact that He is faithful. He has never gone back on His word nor will He now; not even when the earth and heaven pass away.
When Joseph dreamt, it looked like a tale but God meant it. At one point, it looked as if it would never come to reality but it happened because the Lord said it would. When Sarah was told what God wanted to do in her life she laughed; but like play it came to pass. God instructed Samuel to anoint David and He went back into the wilderness after He was anointed, it was just as if the word of the Lord would not be fulfilled but it did at the end.
The lives of these men proved the faithfulness of God. Even now He remains the same. However, these men on their part were faithful to God and He did not allow His word to fail in their lives. You also must be faithful and cooperate with God to do His good pleasure in your life
+ Do you trust God to fulfil His promises in your life?
Prayer Point: Lord! Bring to pass your promises in my life in Jesus name. Amen
Main Emphasis: Whatever God said He will surely do; to the faithful, He will surely be faithful!
Have a Promising Friday!