The Light Daily Devotional – Every Man Needs Help

Focus: Every Man Needs Help
Every man is in need; what differs between men is the nature and scope of their needs. Whenever you need help, always seek God for it.
Scriptural Reference
“I will lift up my eyes to the hills– From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2
A man’s needs are a great burden that no one else can bear for him. This is not because people are selfish or evil, but because they have needs unique to their lives and those around them. A man can only help you with the tip of his finger, which is usually insignificant. When seeking assistance, look up to God.
The one who is above is above all and has the ability to lift a man above all limitations in life. Look to God for assistance whenever you need it. He is the only one who can order men to assist you. The only time men truly help is when God touches their hearts to do so. Furthermore, only men who have been helped by God can help others. In the event of a need, try to look up to God as much as possible and let Him come first in your thoughts.
+ Where will your help come from?
Prayer: Lord! I look up to you, do not leave me, send help to me in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: True help will only come from God who is above all and rules in the affairs of men!
Have a Graceful Thursday!