The Light Daily Devotional – Endure Till the End

Focus: Endure Till the End
What you did not start you cannot end; however, it is not enough to start well; ending well requires character under God. The Lord will not praise and save those who started well but those who ended well!
Scriptural Reference
“But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13 NKJV)
There is no doubt in the fact that there is an end to everything we are doing on earth. It is good for a man to be running the race of life labouring, fasting, singing, teaching, preaching, worshipping, serving for the cause of the Lord. However, it is more glorious to do these things in absolute obedience to God till the end.
The likes of Samson, Solomon, Dema, Judas, King Saul started their race in life well but their end was characterized by several questionable issues. Many started their pilgrimage well but ended badly, as a casualty and victims of life circumstances because of unbelief and their inability to wait on God in trying times.
As the day goes by, try as much as possible to fight the good fight of faith to end well. Allow God to help you not to backslide. Let us run with patience the race set before us bearing in mind we shall soon be forgotten and everything will come to an end!
+ Will you end well?
Prayer: Lord! May I never run or labour in vain; My destiny will not fail in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis: A man will only receive the reward of his labour under God if and only if he worked, laboured and kept the faith till the end!