The Light Daily Devotional – Be strong in the Lord

Focus: Be strong in the Lord
Life is filled with a variety of mysteries. If you want to stand strong and fulfill your destiny, you must always find strength and be strong in the Lord!
Scriptural Reference
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10 NKJV
In His final charge to the Ephesians, Apostle Paul exhorts them to be strong in the Lord because several battles of life are beyond the physical arm’s capability. We will also find ourselves in a variety of situations that will place us under intense pressure and serious tension. The only antidote to this is to find strength in the Lord through his word at all times.
Many men today do everything they can to be strong in finance, academics, ministry, business, and career, but they sometimes neglect to be strong spiritually. You must keep in mind that life is spiritual. Every problem in your life tends to attack your salvation, faith, righteousness, the pure truth and belief in God’s word, evangelical prowess, and prayer life.
When men become entangled in the web of sin and the pursuit of materialism, the majority of these weapons are stolen and rendered ineffective. We must be alert and vigilant in fortifying ourselves in preserving knowledge in the word of God, faith, salvation, righteous living, truth, evangelism, and our prayer life.
+ Are you strong in the Lord?
Prayer: Lord! Help me to always find strength in you in every battle of life in Jesus’ name. Amen
Emphasis: You must be strong in the Lord if you will not fail or falter in the battle of life!
Have a Superb Tuesday!