The Light Daily Devotional – Allow the Lord to go before you
Focus: Allow the Lord to go before you
When the Lord goes before you, every mountain will be subdued, gates in various aspects of life will be broken to make room for easy passage and success!
Scriptural Reference
“I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.” (Isaiah 45:2 NIV)
This life is characterized by several uncertainties and challenges. As you proceed in destiny you will come across several mountains, you will encounter several gates that will stand to stop your progress. Nevertheless, the Lord has promised to go before you to deal with whatever you will come across.
The fact that God promised to go before you, establishes the fact that you have the responsibility of following Him each day. The mountains and several gates of life will only depart when you follow Him in His principles as He goes before you. The way of the Lord is the way of wisdom, peace and victory. Make yourself available to always walk in His steps as He leads you in destiny.
+ Is the Lord going before you? Do you walk in His steps?
Prayer: Lord! Help me to follow as you go before me to level mountains and break down the gate of brass in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis: Victory in every facet of life is assured when the Lord goes before you!
Have a Victorious Thursday!